The Unforgiving60 Podcast

1:20         David’s upbringing – and experience in horticulture, public relations and ski instructing (all, as it turns out, very useful preparatory skills for a career in politics!)

7:22         Why the career change into politics? (and how do you get into politics?)

10:00       David’s support for Ukraine – and his frontline experience there

15:30       Is the conflict winnable (or loseable?)

18:30       What more should the West – including Australia – be doing?

22:30       What does the Ukraine situation mean for our region – and in particular, Chinese attitudes towards Taiwan?  And what should Australia be doing about this?

29:10       David’s views on the current state of democracy – and its ability to stand up against emerging totalitarian regimes

32:00       David’s reflections on the current state of the Liberal party

35:00       How does David stay sane, fit and healthy?

36:50       On Josh Frydenberg

39:40       David’s reading recommendations…

41:40       …and his power song!

44:40       What’s next for David?

Check out the Unforgiving60 Podcast


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