Aged Care Bill

Every month, over a hundred thousand hours of care are delivered to older Australians through digital platforms. But what if I told you that these services operate under far weaker regulations than traditional providers? Registered aged-care providers must adhere to over 40 pages of compliance obligations. In stark contrast, the digital platforms are subject to just three pages of requirements. This gap in regulation creates a two-tiered system, and the consequences could be serious. That's why I intend to move an amendment to the bill to close this gap.

At a minimum, platforms should meet the strengthened aged-care standards, undergo regular audits and comply with the Serious Incident Response Scheme. Older Australians deserve better. Whether care is delivered by a traditional provider or a platform, the standards must be the same, because their safety, dignity and wellbeing are not negotiable. My amendment, as circulated, on sheet 3152, intends to fix that.


EPRA Inquiry


AUKUS Must Stay