Defacing of the Australian War Memorial

I rise in support of this motion, as well. We are right to condemn this vandalism, for two key reasons. One, of course, is that vandalism of the War Memorial and the war memorials down Anzac Drive is rightly deserving of condemnation. The Australian War Memorial is, in my view and in the view of many others, the most sacred place in Australia. How dare anyone deface the most sacred place in Australia? How dare anyone deface something that is so sacred and pays so much tribute to people who have fallen? I drove past the War Memorial on the way into Canberra yesterday. All the hoarding is down and you can now see that wonderful edifice. To think that that has been defaced by vandals—it's just a crime. Even on the news last night, they were doing a piece about 'G for George'. My great-uncle's name is on the roll of remembrance. He was a Lancaster pilot shot down over northern Germany in the Second World War. The place is sacred to me, as it is to all Australians.

But that's not the only crime that's been committed here. In pushing the expression, 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,' they are trying to divide Australia. They are listening to Marxists from overseas who are seeding misinformation and disinformation to divide Australia and Australians. That must be punished. That is not just a grassroots movement. That is being pushed by foreign actors here in Australia. It must be seen for what it is—foreign misinformation and disinformation. I stand with Senator Lambie and I support this motion, and every decent-minded senator in this place should do the same thing.


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