Give Ukraine the support they need

We're all seeing that the long-awaited counteroffensive in Ukraine has begun, and brave men and women are beginning their march to eject the unjust and unlawful invaders from their homeland. Day by day, they now battle not only for their lives but to reclaim their freedoms and the basic dignities that Vladimir Putin has taken away from them.

While they fight for their lives, I stand in this chamber embarrassed on behalf of all Australians—embarrassed that, despite the desperate calls for help from our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, the Albanese government ignores them; embarrassed because, for months now, they've been begging for equipment that sits in Australian sheds, just gathering dust; embarrassed that people are dying and we have the opportunity to help them; and embarrassed because no new money or provisions were provided to support the people of Ukraine in the most recent budget.

Despite a campaign—imagine that: them having to campaign here—for our Hawkeis, our M1 Abrams tanks and our unused Classic Hornets, this government has been deafeningly silent. They haven't even delivered all the Bushmasters they promised. What we know is that this equipment is ready to be delivered; it's just waiting for the Prime Minister to give the word. If he is waiting until the NATO summit to announce a package of assistance, it will be the most cynical move in Australian political history, because what that will mean is that he's prepared to let Ukrainians die and prepared to put at risk the success of their counteroffensive just for a photo op. Shame on this government. Give the people of Ukraine what they need now. We have it. Stop considering it. Announce it and deliver it.



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