2019 - 2020 Bushfires
Yesterday, I rose in this place to express our condolences to those who suffered loss in the recent devastating bushfires, and to thank those who have worked so hard to combat them.
It was not the time for partisan debate nor expressing outrage on the circumstances surrounding such tragedy, but rather a time for sombre reflection, rolling up our sleeves, or both.
Condolences to Australians affected by Bushfires
I too rise today to express my condolences on the tragic loss of life and devastation caused by the recent fires right across Australia but, particularly in my home state of Victoria.
In this place, I offer my heartfelt grief for all of those who have lost loved ones, friends, livelihoods and homes.
Address-in-Reply, Governor-General's Speech
I rise to speak on my first address-in-reply to the Governor-General's speech. I note it was also the first speech to this chamber of the new Governor-General, His Excellency the Hon. David Hurley. I congratulate him on his appointment. He comes with a distinguished career of military service to his country—namely, as a former chief of defence forces. Of course, he will be familiar to his current role, having been a governor of New South Wales. I wish the Governor-General and his wife, Linda, well.