Youth Voice

Senator VAN (Victoria) (13:40):

I rise as part of Youth Voice in Parliament week to give voice to Trish, a 17-year-old from Melbourne, who says:

As a second-generation Sri Lankan Australian woman, my vision for Australia in 20 years is a unified and uplifted nation in which every individual, regardless of age, colour, gender, faith, ability, or sexuality, is equally visible and appreciated.

A prominent issue within society today revolves around the lack of representation and opportunity for every individual. More specifically, discrimination towards our first-peoples, people of different ethnic backgrounds and women.

In order to progress as a country and create a nation that is innovative and dynamic, it is important to target this issue. We must appreciate the value in differences. Particularly its ability to improve our sense of global awareness and develop a well-rounded and empathetic approach to national and international issues.

This can be achieved by addressing young people, the hope of the future. It is necessary to understand the importance in creating a holistic education system that enables us to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. Not only are academics pursued, but a more globalised education encouraging critical thinking, cultural exploration, discussions surrounding respect and the ability to actively accept and form individual perspectives.

A collective belief in equality would provide Australia with the courage to move away from discrimination and towards a united nation, well equipped to play our role in the world.

We are one, but we are many. Let us work towards an Australia that proudly embodies our diversity.

I thank Trish for her speech.


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