
February 2020, Senators' Statement Senator David Van February 2020, Senators' Statement Senator David Van

2019 - 2020 Bushfires

Yesterday, I rose in this place to express our condolences to those who suffered loss in the recent devastating bushfires, and to thank those who have worked so hard to combat them.

It was not the time for partisan debate nor expressing outrage on the circumstances surrounding such tragedy, but rather a time for sombre reflection, rolling up our sleeves, or both.

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September 2019, Senators' Statement Senator David Van September 2019, Senators' Statement Senator David Van

Single-Use Plastic

Our oceans are choking with plastic and other waste, yet conversations within our community are repetitive, and action needs to move at a quicker pace. Single-use plastics are everywhere. Plastic bags carry our groceries and single-use plastic bottles stack our shelves in our supermarkets despite there being clear alternatives like aluminium and glass. From the comfort of our home, images flash on our television screens of marine wildlife washing up having been tangled in or having ingested a single-use plastic item.

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