Community Activities.
Cultural & Sinhalese Language School Building
The opening ceremony of the BVV Cultural & Sinhalese Language School today with The Hon Jason Wood MP Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs and Mr. Kapila Fonseka- Consul General of Sri Lanka.
The school is purpose built, funded with grants from the Morrison Government as well as the priceless contribution of dedicated volunteers.
Jewish Arts Quarter
Jewish Arts Quarter project in Elsternwick. will be an amazing project for the Jewish and wider Australian community.
This project will allow for greater social cohesion in the wider Victorian community.
Colours of Malaysia Festival
Colours of Malaysia festival at the Queen Victoria Markets. It was a marvellous way to experience a bit of Malaysian culture right in the heart of Melbourne.
UK/Australia Season Celebration
UK/Australia Season Celebration. It was a delightful cultural evening at the Melbourne Museum.